Welcome to my new Baston’s Blog – Transforming the Service Experience! Baston’s blog is a regular resource of ideas, tools and strategies to help you transform the service experience you are providing to your customers and reap the resulting rewards – rewards that include higher revenues and profitability and increased customer satisfaction and retention.
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Beyond GREAT SERVICE – The Technician’s Role in Proactive Business Growth
“The essence of competitiveness is liberated when we make people believe that what they think and do is important – and then get out of their way while they do it.”
– Jack Welch
I wrote a book this year called Beyond GREAT SERVICE. It is written as a fictional account about Charlie, a service manager, as he discovers the secret of successfully engaging technicians in conversations with their customers – a conversation that transforms the service experience and results in increased revenues and customer satisfaction. Many people have asked me why I have written the book and, to answer that, I will need to take a small step back.
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