In a previous blog post, Transforming the Service Experience – 5 Dimensions of Service Quality, we introduced the RATER Model[1] of customer service as a tool to help us transform the service experience into one that is valued by our customers and creates a sustainable competitive advantage. The model represents the five key dimensions of service quality and provides service providers with a template for defining and creating their unique and valued service experience. Today we will consider how a service company can define the dimension “Reliability”.
As you may recall, the name RATER is an acronym with each letter representing the first letter of one of the five dimensions. They are:
R eliability: Our ability to provide what is promised, dependably and accurately,
A ssurance: Our knowledge and courtesy, and our ability to convey trust and confidence,
T angibles: Our physical facilities and equipment, and our appearance,
E mpathy: The degree of caring and individual attention we provide to customers,
R esponsiveness: Our willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.